Albuquerque Aerostat
Ascension Association
P.O. Box 90162
Albuquerque, NM 87199
Promoting Hot-Air Ballooning Through Education & Community
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The Flight Standards Service of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has developed this practical test book as a standard to be used by FAA inspectors and designated pilot examiners when conducting private pilot – lighter-than-air (balloon and airship) practical tests. Flight instructors are expected to use this book when preparing applicants for practical tests. Applicants should be familiar with this book and refer to these standards during their training. Information considered directive in nature is described in this practical test book in terms such as “shall” and “must” indicating the actions are mandatory. Guidance information is described in terms such as “should” and “may” indicating the actions are desirable or permissive but not mandatory. The FAA gratefully acknowledges the valuable assistance provided by the many individuals and organizations who contributed their time and talent in assisting with the revision of these practical test standards
Albuquerque Aerostat
Ascension Association
P.O. Box 90162
Albuquerque, NM 87199
Promoting Hot-Air Ballooning Through Education & Community