Albuquerque Aerostat
Ascension Association
P.O. Box 90162
Albuquerque, NM 87199
Promoting Hot-Air Ballooning Through Education & Community
24 in stock
Balloon Fiesta Office
4401 Alameda Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113
Are you looking to become a Commercial Hot Air Balloon Pilot? This is the place to get the ground instruction you need to pass the written FAA Knowledge Exam.
With this Ground School you will be provided with the following manuals:
Included is also a notebook with all the slides and handouts that will be discussed in class.
Please note: If you have attended this ground school in Person or Online, you are eligible to audit the course if space available, for $50.00. No books or notes will be provided. To obtain approval to audit this course please email for approval.
Albuquerque Aerostat
Ascension Association
P.O. Box 90162
Albuquerque, NM 87199
Promoting Hot-Air Ballooning Through Education & Community