Monthly AAAA Balloon Club Meetings

Promoting Hot-Air Ballooning Through Education & Community

AAAA Monthly Meetings

General Meetings

Zozobra presentation at AAAAGeneral Meetings are held at 6:30 pm on the 4th Tuesday of the month at the Albuquerque Anderson Abruzzo International Balloon Museum (9201 Balloon Museum Drive NE) and are open to anyone. There is no General Meeting in December.

The general meetings are also available via Zoom, and the link is available approximately 48 hours before the meeting. Watch your email for each month’s link. Please note that participating via Zoom is limited to watching and chat interaction only.

We currently only offer live access to our Zoom meetings. No recordings will be posted until further notice.

For meeting program information, look for announcements in our monthly emails, or reach out to our Vice President via this contact form.

Board of Directors Meetings

The Board of Directors meetings are held monthly on Monday, 8 days before the general meeting. They are usually at Siarza Digital (6100 Seagull Street, Suite B201) and / or via Zoom. Meetings begin at 5:30 pm.

Committee Meetings

Committee meetings are held monthly or as needed depending on the committee. For information on committee meeting times & places, please see the specific committee page and/or contact the committee chair.