Flying Events - Important Documents

Promoting Hot-Air Ballooning Through Education & Community

Important Flying Documents

This page contains information on the Flying Events waiver, including the Crew Certificate of Understanding and the Letter of Authorization or LOA for flying in Albuquerque’s Class C airspace.

2024 Waiver

(Expired – new version coming soon)

The 2024 FAA Waiver for AAAA permits “registered” pilots to fly at lower altitudes than those specified in the FARs, but only during scheduled flying events. To comply with the waiver requirements, AAAA must collect and verify specific information about each pilot and their aircraft.

Additionally, all “crew” (passengers) flying during an event must sign a Certificate of Understanding, confirming they have been briefed on the waiver’s details. These certificates are collected electronically, and to ensure timely submission, pilots will not receive points, competition credit, or show-up recognition unless the certificate is submitted by noon on the day of the flight.

Crew Certificate of Understanding (COU)

All crew members (passengers) are required to sign a Certificate of Understanding to confirm they have been briefed on and understand the conditions of the waiver. This process is completed electronically and must be done on the day of the flight. Use the link below to access the online certificate.

Letter of Authorization (LOA)

Class C airspace, by regulation, requires all aircraft to be equipped with an ADS-B reporting system. LTA aircraft are NOT exempt. However, there is no FAA-approved method or feasible way to install this equipment in a balloon. While the FAA works through this conflict, AAAA has a Letter of Authorization to be able to fly in Albuquerque’s Class C airspace. It is NOT without some restrictions and requirements.

Current AAAA members may use the AAAA Pilot & Aircraft Database system (coming soon) to sign the LOA and be included on the list sent to the FAA on a regular basis. Note you must read and understand the LOA before you submit your signature to AAAA Pilot & Aircraft Database. (New version of LOA to be uploaded soon.)